XVIII. Symposium der GTFCh, 17. - 20. April 2013 in Mosbach
- Programm (Download PDF aus Toxichem Krimtech)
- Presentation Guidelines
- Photos der Veranstaltung (Web Album von Manfred Erkens)
Tagungspräsident: Thomas Krämer
Institut für
Wissenschaftliches Komitee: Georg Schmitt, Gisela Skopp
Institut für
Tagungszentrum: Alte Mälzerei, Alte Bergsteige 7, Mosbach (Baden)
Mittwoch, 17. April 2013
20:00 Uhr Mittwochsvortrag für die Mosbacher Öffentlichkeit
„Neues, Erwartetes und Unerwartetes aus der Dopinganalytik“
Prof. Dr. Mario Thevis, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln
Donnerstag, 18. April 2013
Gesellschaftlicher Umgang mit Drogenabhängigkeit:
Zwangsentzug, Zurückstellung der Strafvollstreckung, akzeptanzbasierte Ansätze, Safer Party, Drug-Checking, Heroingestützte Behandlung, verkehrsmedizinische und analytische Aspekte
14:00 Uhr Eröffnung und Begrüßung / Opening and welcome
Richter Bernd Weidig (Landgericht Saarbrücken)
Realität des Alkohol- und Drogenkonsumenten aus Sicht der Rechtsprechung (Zwangsentzug, Bestrafungsrückstellung)
Alexander Bücheli (Jugendberatung Streetwork, Zürich, Schweiz)
Die Wirkung macht es aus! Gesellschaftliche Realität des Drogenkonsums am Beispiel einer akzeptanzbasierten Drogenberatung in Zürich
Dr. Hans-Jörg Helmlin (Kantonsapothekeramt, Bern, Schweiz)
HPLC on the dance floor - Führt mobiles Drug-Checking wirklich zu Safer-Party?
Dr. Thilo Beck, (Arud - Zentren für Suchtmedizin, Zürich, Schweiz)
Heroingestützte Behandlung von Opiatabhängigen – Eine pragmatische Annäherung anhand des Schweizer Modells
Dr. Bruno Liniger (Institut für
Fahrfähigkeit/Fahreignung bei Patienten in der Substitutionsbehandlung
Prof. Dr. Frank Musshoff, (Institut für
Forensisch toxikologische Aspekte der Heroinsubstitution
Raymond Niesink, (Trimbos Instituut, Utrecht, Niederlande)
Drug policy in The Netherlands
18:00 Uhr Sitzungsende / End of session
Die GTFCh dankt
Thermo Fisher Scientific
und dem Bund gegen Alkohol und Drogen im Straßenverkehr e.V. (BADS)
für die großzügige Unterstützung des Satellitensymposiums.
Freitag, den 19. April 2013
09:00 Uhr Eröffnung des Symposiums und Grußworte / Opening of the symposium and welcome
09:10 Uhr Vorträge: Trockenblutproben / Legal highs / Oral presentations: Dried blood spots / Legal highs
V01 Manuel Rusconi, Magali Dovat Sabatella, Frank Sporkert,
Stability investigations of phosphatidylethanol (PEth) on dried blood spots
V02 Ana Hernandez Redondo, Lars Ambach, Stephan Lanz, Anita Iannone, Wolfgang Weinmann,
Analysis of designer stimulants in dried blood spots by LC-MS/MS
V03 Marion Schäffer, Michael Pütz, Ralf Zimmermann, Neuherberg, Rostock, Wiesbaden
Application of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography for the assessment of the presence of Damiana in legal highs
V04 Marek Dziadosz, Jens-Peter Weller, Michael Klintschar, Jörg Teske, Hannover
Combined analysis of synthetic cannabinoids and other designer drugs
V05 Patrick Dahm, Melanie Hutter, Olexander Schuster, Stefan Kneisel, Voler Auwärter, Freiburg
Synthesis of two monohydroxylated metabolites of the synthetic cannabinoid JWH-122 and comparison with authentic urine samples
V06 Hans-Christian Rudloff, Bjoern Moosmann, Volker Auwärter, Merja Neukamm, Freiburg
Synthetic cannabinoids: Development of a smoke machine and analysis of main-stream and side-stream smoke condensates
V07 Merja Neukamm, Melanie Hutter, Bjoern Moosmann, Patrick Dahm, Hans-Christian Rudloff, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg
Synthetic cannabinoids in hair – contribution of contamination by side-stream smoke
V08 Lisa Redlingshöfer, Melanie Hutter, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg
In vitro investigations on the metabolism of synthetic cannabinoids
V09 Volker Auwärter, Melanie Hutter, Stefan Kneisel, Bela Szabo, Siegfried Knasmüller, Verena Koller, Illka Ojanperä, Bernd Werse, Cornelia Morgenstern, Michael Pütz, Christoph Härtel, Renate Lind-Krämer, Michal Kidawa, Teemu Gunnar, Lars Ambach, Wolfgang Weinmann, Freiburg, Wien (Österreich), Helsinki (Finnland), Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Warschau, Bern (Schweiz)
The EU project ‘SPICE and synthetic cannabinoids’: Summary of the key findings
11:00 Uhr Kaffeepause / Coffee break
11:30 Uhr Vorträge: Hochauflösende Massenspektrometrie / Oral presentations: High
resolution mass spectrometry
V10 Markus Meyer, Andreas Helfer, Hans Maurer, Homburg (Saar)
Fast, simple, and validated LC-HR-MS/MS assay for identification and quantification of drugs in human blood plasma often requested in context of brain death diagnosis
V11 Markus Meyer, Martina Bach, Michael Bovens, Alain Turcant, Hans Maurer, Homburg (Saar), Zürich (Schweiz), Angers (Frankreich)
Methoxetamine: Metabolism and detectability of a novel ketamine analog – studied by GC-MS, LC-MSn, and LC-HR-MSn
V12 Markus Meyer, Tina Braun, Carina Wink, Alain Turcant, Hans Maurer, Homburg (Saar), Angers (Frankreich)
Studies on the metabolism and detectability of the phenethylamine-derived designer drug 2C-P in rat and human urine using GC-MS, LC-MSn, and LC-HR-MS/MS
V13 Jessica Welter, Markus Meyer, Pierce Kavanagh, Hans Maurer, Homburg (Saar), Dublin (Irland)
Studies on the metabolism and the detectability of 4-methyl-amphetamine and its isomers 2-methyl-amphetamine, and 3-methyl-amphetamine in rat urine using GC-MS, LC-MSn, and LC-HR-MSn
V14 Andreas Roemmelt, Andrea Schwaninger, Thomas Kraemer, Zürich (Schweiz)
Validated quantification of 35 antidepressants in whole blood by targeted data extraction of the MS/MS spectra generated by data independent acquisition (SWATH) as part of a simultaneous screening and quantification procedure
12:30 Uhr Mittagspause / Lunch break
13:30 Uhr Posterausstellung mit Kaffeetheke / Poster session and coffee bar
P01 Martin Weber,
Determination of warfare agents (nerve agents, blister agents, saxitoxin, and ricin) in food, water and on materials and articles
P02 Paul Elsinghorst, Horst Thiermann, Marianne Koller, München
Verification of chemical warfare agent exposure in human samples
P03 Laura Huppertz, Stefan Kneisel, Volker Auwärter, Jürgen Kempf,
Trapping ‘Spice’: A comprehensive, automated LC-ion trap-MS screening approach for the detection of currently 38 synthetic cannabinoids in serum.
P04 Melanie Hutter, Lisa Redlingshöfer, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg
LC-MS/MS based method for the detection and partial quantification of the major metabolites of 15 synthetic cannabinoids in human urine samples
P05 Stefan König, Anja Kaiser, Andreas Längin, Thomas Wüthrich, Wolfgang Weinmann, Bern (Schweiz)
New LC-MS/MS methods for JWHs’, ethyl glucuronide and benzodiazepines based on two dimensional chromatography
P06 Laura Huppertz, Susanne Vogt, Jürgen Kempf,
An automated MSn-based screening procedure for clinical and forensic toxicology
P07 Andreas Thomas, Sven Guddat, Wilhelm Schänzer, Mario Thevis, Köln
Application of nano-scale electrospray ionisation in LC-MS for small molecules in comparison to established techniques
P08 Oliver Temme, Oliver Lerch, Gernot Brauers, Thomas Daldrup, Düsseldorf, Mülheim (Ruhr)
Extensive automation of the SPE-GC/MS analysis of opiates, cocaine, their metabolites and methadone from serum and other matrices
P09 Johannes Zagermann, Bauke Albada, Evelyn Pawlik, Hellmut Mahler, Düsseldorf,
N-Pentylindole: A marker for the detection of synthetic cannabinoids
P10 Golo Meyer, Markus Meyer, Hans Maurer, Homburg (Saar)
Studies on the metabolism and detectability of xylazine in rat and human urine using GC-MS, LC-MSn, and LC-HR-MSn
P11 Pirkko Kriikku, Lars Wilhelm, Stefan Jenckel, Janne Rintatalo, Jukka Hurme, Jan Kramer, Helsinki (Finnland), Geesthacht, Vantaa (Finnland), Lübeck
Ethanol concentrations in breath and blood of drunk drivers; results from hand-held breathalyzer devices vs. analysis of venous blood samples
P12 Marcel Grapp, Herbert Desel, Wolfgang Grellner, Göttingen
Validation of an alcohol dehydrogenase method for forensic blood alcohol determination on Thermo Scientific Indiko analyzer and comparison with Technikon autoanalyzer
P13 Bernd Diehl, Elina Zailer, Köln, Rheinbach
Alternative method for blood alcohol determination by proton -NMR - Development and validation -
P14 Verena Angerer, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg
Development and validation of a method for congener analysis in serum and application to a pilot experiment addressing endogenous 1-propanol
P15 Gernot Brauers, Irina Steiner, Patricia Klaka, Thomas Daldrup, Düsseldorf
Quantification of the biogenic phenethylamine alkaloid hordenine by LC-MS/MS in beer
P16 Nicole Schwab, Gisela Skopp,
A preliminary investigation on the influence of flavonoids on ethyl glucuronide formation
P17 Julia Krüger, Inge Herrle, Matthias Graw, Hans Sachs, Gabriele Roider, München
Analysis of morphine and codeine in dried blood on a carpet
P18 Heike Wollersen, Victoria Spencer, Freidoon Erdmann, Reinhard Dettmeyer, Giessen
Three unusual cases of CO poisoning with each two victims
P19 Stefanie Lottner-Nau, Birgit Övgüer, Liane Paul, Matthias Graw, Hans Sachs, Gabriele Roider, München
Abuse of pregabalin - Results of the postmortem toxicology from 2010 to 2012
P20 Andreas Bauer, Jutta Schöpfer, Hans Sachs, Matthias Graw, Gabriele Roider, München
Fatality after intake of methylone, MDMA and amphetamine: a case report
P21 Susanne Vogt, Volker Auwärter, Annette Thierauf,
Discovery of two corpses after lethal intoxication by oral application of transdermal fentanyl patches
P22 Stefanie Iwersen-Bergmann, Hilke Jungen, Alexander Müller, Hilke Andresen-Streichert, Lennart Muras, Axel Heinemann, Hamburg
Drug-related deaths in Hamburg
P23 Alexandra Schröck, Yvonne Hari, Stefan König, Thomas Wüthrich, Volker Auwärter, Annette Thierauf, Wolfgang Weinmann, Bern (Schweiz), Freiburg
Pharmacokinetics of GHB and detection window in serum and urine after single uptake of a low dose of GBL
P24 Elke Below, Britta Bockholdt, Giovanni Talarico,
Regular cannabis users in road traffic – a result of insufficient monitoring?!
P25 Ricarda Kegler, Andreas Büttner, Jörg Nowotnik, Gernot Rücker, Daniel Rentsch, Rostock
Trends of drug consumption at the music festival FUSION 2009-2012
P26 Kerstin Boomgarden-Brandes, Niels Tobias, John Koc, Hans Sachs, Bernd Mühlbauer, Bremen, München
From palm to hair: Transmissibility of methadone and its metabolite EDDP
P27 Bjoern Moosmann, Nadine Roth, Volker Auwärter,
Hair analysis for THCA-A, THC and CBN after handling cannabis plant material
P28 Markus Baumgartner, Georg Staubli, Thomas Kraemer, Zürich (Schweiz)
Detection of midazolam in children’s hair after one dose for a procedure in anaesthesia
P29 Luc Kirchen, Michel Yegles,
Influence of hair straightening on ethyl glucuronide content in hair
P30 Volker Dangel, Rudolf Alkier, Manfred Möller,
Detection of illicit drugs in meconium to assess neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)
P31 Susanne Lott, Frank Musshoff, Burkhard Madea,
LC/MS/MS method of 6-MAM, Morphine, Morphine-3-glucuronide and Morphine-6-glucuronide for quantitative analysis in serum
P32 Georg Schmitt, Gisela Skopp, Heidelberg
Quality control charts for internal quality control of forensic blood alcohol analysis
P33 Michael Herbold, Georg Schmitt, Gisela Skopp, Heidelberg, Walldorf
A comparison of data evaluation from proficiency tests performed according either to Horwitz or DIN ISO 13528
14:00 Uhr Treffen der Kolleginnen und Kollegen im Ruhestand in der „Tenne“ / Meeting of
Liane Paul, München
Zum EU-Projekt Druid: Auswirkungen auf die Praxis am Beispiel / EU-project DRUID: Practical impacts by reference to an example
14:30 Uhr Vorträge: Illegale Herstellung von Drogen / Alternative Untersuchungsmaterialien / Oral presentations: Clandestine production / Alternative matrices
V15 Lars Müller, Nathalie Martin, Thorsten Rößler, Michael Pütz,
APAAN – A new precursor substance for the illicit production of amphetamine
V16 Michael Pütz, Nathalie Martin, Nina Boxen, Jan Rittgen, Thorsten Rössler, Sabine Schneiders, Wiesbaden, Idstein
Forensic trace and comparative analysis related to clandestine amphetamine laboratories
V17 Oliver Temme, Jolien Diepstra, Gernot Brauers, Thomas Daldrup, Düsseldorf
Lyophilization of post mortem material for long term storage
V18 Cornelius Hess, Frank Musshoff, Burkhard Madea, Köln
Detection of diabetic metabolism disorders post mortem – case reports
V19 Tina Binz, Milena Madry, Markus Baumgartner, Thomas Kraemer, Zürich (Schweiz)
A novel method for the analysis of ethyl glucuronide (EtG) in nails by LC/LC-ESI-MS/MS with column switching technique
V20 Milena Madry, Andrea Schwaninger, Markus Baumgartner, Thomas Kraemer, Zürich (Schweiz)
Systematic investigation of the incorporation of zolpidem in fingernails after a single dose
V21 Yvonne Hari, Stefan König, Alexandra Schröck, Patrizia Coro, Volker Auwärter, Anette Thierauf, Wolfgang Weinmann, Bern (Schweiz), Freiburg
LC-MS/MS of GHB in head hair and beard
V22 Michael Poetzsch, Andrea Schwaninger, Cedric Hysek, Matthias Liechti, Thomas Kraemer, Zürich, Basel (Schweiz)
Ultrafast high throughput quantification of methylphenidate and MDMA in oral fluid using MALDI-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry
16:00 Uhr Mitgliederversammlung / Business Meeting
Samstag, 20. April 2013
9:00 Uhr Falldarstellungen und freie Themen aus der Forensischen Chemie und Toxikologie / Case reports – communications in forensic chemistry and toxicology
V23 Deborah Montenarh, Markus Hopf, Stefan Warth, Hans Maurer, Peter Schmidt, Andreas Ewald, Homburg (Saar)
Development of an LC-MS/MS approach for screening and identification of benzodiazepines, z-drugs, antidepressants, neuroleptics, PDE-5 inhibitors, opioids and new synthetic drugs in human hair and urine samples
V24 Gernot Brauers, Oliver Temme, Irina Steiner, Thomas Daldrup, Düsseldorf
UV-spectroscopy and LC-MS/MS - An advantageous combination for multi target screening in forensic toxicology
V25 Markus Meyer, Sandra Maurer, Julia Dinger, Golo Meyer, Birgit Klein, Folker Westphal, Hans Maurer, Homburg (Saar), Wiesbaden, Kiel
Metabolism and toxicological detection of the new pyrrolidinophenone designer drug 3’,4’-methylenedioxy-alpha-pyrrolidinobutyrophenone (MDPBP) in rat and human urine using GC-MS and LC-MSn
V26 Florian Pitterl, Sebastian Köb, Johanna Pitterle, Birthe Schubert, Kathrin Libiseller, Herbert Oberacher, Innsbruck (Österreich)
Comprehensive systematic toxicological analysis of human body fluids by simultaneous LC/MS/MS and GC/MS analysis
V27 Jan Schäper, Susanna Fehn, Folker Westphal, München,
Designer-drug 5-IT – a fatal case
V28 Nadine Schaefer, Benjamin Peters, Dietmar Bregel, Stefan Kneisel, Volker Auwärter, Peter Schmidt, Andreas Ewald, Homburg (Saar), Freiburg
A fatal case involving several synthetic cannabinoids
V29 Gertrud Rochholz, Lars Radünz, Katharina Bornemann,
Analysis of remifentanil in cases of lethal intoxication
V30 Ricarda Jantos, Gisela Skopp,
Postmortem blood and tissue concentrations of R- and S-enantiomers of methadone and its metabolite EDDP
V31 Birgit Reiter, Kurt Jiran, Thomas Stimpfl, Wien (Österreich)
Practical considerations for the reliable quantification in postmortem specimens
V32 Cornelius Hess, Natalie Ritke, Sebastian Broecker, Hauke Ruehs, Frank Musshoff, Burkhard Madea, Bonn, Berlin
Metabolism, pharmakokinetics and urinary excretion of levamisole and its metabolite aminorex
10:30 Uhr Kaffee-Pause / Coffee Break
11:00 Uhr Fortsetzung / Continuation
V33 Anna Suhr, Jorge Martinez-Ramirez, Daniela Remane, Polina Mattis, Christoph Sauer, Ursula Standke, Frank Peters, Jena, Erfurt
Studies on the metabolism of five designer drugs by the fungus Cunninghamella bertholletiae using LC-MS/MS and GC-MS analysis
V34 Jorge Martinez-Ramirez, Juliane Strien, Juliane Sanft, Gita Mall, Grit Walther, Frank Peters, Jena, Bogota (Kolumbien), Utrecht (Niederlande)
Isolation of fungi from postmortem samples, DNA-based identification of the species, and studies on their capability of metabolizing five model drugs
V35 Victoria Spencer, Esra Ergin, Heike Wollersen, Nico Erdmann, Gießen,
Salvia divinorum - An attempt to explain different effects based on the origin
V36 Nico Erdmann, Esra Ergin,
A convenient method for Salvia divinorum analyses
V37 Marco Diestelmann, Anna Zangl, Daniela Schmidt-Thomé, Inge Herrle, Eva Walser, Matthias Graw, Liane Paul, München
Findings on MDPV (Methylenedioxypyrovalerone) in routine cases from 2010 to 2012
V38 Sarah Hangartner, Franz Dussy, Thomas Briellmann,
Can we obtain information from urine about resent cannabis consumption in DRUID cases?
V39 Hilke Jungen, Hilke Andresen-Streichert, Alexander Müller, Stefanie Iwersen-Bergmann,
Analysis of disaccharides in urine samples of opioid users. Are carbohydrates suitable markers to determine intravenous abuse of methadone and buprenorphine?
12:50 Uhr Schlusswort zum Symposium / Closing words
13:00 Uhr Tagungsende / End of the meeting
Für die Unterstützung des Hauptsymposiums dankt die GTFCh folgenden Firmen, die auch auf der Industrieausstellung vertreten sind und ihre neuesten Produkte zu unserem Fachgebiet präsentieren:
AB Sciex Deutschland
ACQ Science
Agilent Technologies
Axel Semerau
Bruker Daltonik
Chromsystems Instruments & Chemicals
Gilson International
Greiner Bio-One International
LGC Standards
Mahsan Diagnostika
Mavand Solutions
Mettler Toledo
nal von minden
Recipe Chemicals & Instruments
Shimadzu Europa
Thermo Fisher Scientific