XXI. Symposium der GTFCh, 11. - 13. April 2019 in Mosbach
GTFCh Programm (Download des Programms im PDF-Format)
Tagungspräsident: Volker Auwärter
Institut für Rechtsmedizin, Universitätsklinikum, Freiburg
Wissenschaftliches Komitee: Gisela Skopp, München
Tagungszentrum: Alte Mälzerei, Alte Bergsteige 7, Mosbach (Baden), e-mail:
Mittwoch, 10. April 2019
20:00 Uhr Mittwochsvortrag für die Mosbacher Öffentlichkeit
„CSI in Mosbach!?-Forensische Toxikologie nicht so wie im Fernsehen“
PD. Dr. Hilke Andresen-Streichert, Institut für Rechtsmedizin, Köln
Donnerstag, 11. April 2019
11:30 Uhr Stadtführung
Treffpunkt und Kofferbunker: Tourist Information am Marktplatz (ca. 3 Minuten vom Bahnhof Mosbach (Baden) entfernt)
Ende der Führung: 12:45 Uhr an der Tourist Information
12:00 Uhr Young Scientifics-Treffen /Meeting of young scientitst
Treffen der Doktoranden/innen und jungen Wissenschaftler/innen in der Alten Mälzerei, Ende: 13:30 Uhr
NpSG (Neue-psychoaktive-Stoffe-Gesetz)
Bedeutung der forensischen Toxikologie und Chemie in der juristischen, medizinischen und psychologischen Praxis
14:00 Uhr Eröffnung und Begrüßung / Opening and welcome
Prof. Dr. med. Torsten Passie (Dr. Senckenbergisches Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt)
LSD, Psilocybin und MDMA: Therapeutische Anwendung und aktuelle Therapiestudien
Prof. Dr. med Kirsten Müller-Vahl (Klinik für Psychiatrie, Sozialpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Medizinische Hochschule, Hannover
Cannabis als Medizin: Fakten zu Anwendung und Wirkung
Prof. Dr. Matthias Karst (Klinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin, Leiter der Schmerzambulanz, Medizinische Hochschule, Hannover)
Opioide Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Prof. Dr. Med. Malek Bajbouj (Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (CBF), Leiter Bereich Affektive NEurowissenschaften, Charite - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Ketamin in der Depressionsbehandlung - Chancen und Risiken
18:00 Uhr Sitzungsende / End of session
19:15 Uhr Orgelabend, Stiftskirche am Rathaus / Organ night, Stiftskirche am Rathaus
Dr. Jan Schäper (Bayerisches Landeskriminalamt, München)
20:00 Uhr Abendveranstaltung / Welcome reception
Empfang durch Herrn Bürgermeister Rathaus Mosbach
Freitag, 12. April 2019
09:00 Uhr Eröffnung des Symposiums und Grußworte / Opening of the symposium and welcome speeches
09:10 Uhr Vorträge: Alternative Matrices / Oral presentations: Alternative matrices
V01 Thomas Grobosch, Paul Kuhlich, Silke Cox, Berlin, Wiesbaden
The planned brutal murder of the pregnant woman Maria P.
V02 Daniela Remane, Julia Dinger, Sylvia Morgenthal, Christin König, Gita Mall, Frank T. Peters, Jena
A "recipe" to suicide - Fatal poisoning with chloroquine
V03 Lana Brockbals, Sandra N. Staeheli, Simon Gentile, Markus Schlaepfer, Christian Bissig, Stephan A. Bolliger, Thomas Kraemer, Andrea E. Steuer, Zürich (Schweiz)
Fatal poisoning involving cyclopropylfentanyl - Investigation of time-dependent post-mortem redistriubtion
V04 Roelof Oosting, Lauriane Drouin, Rogier Van der Hulst, Ingrid Bosman, Den Haag (Niederlande)
A fatal intoxication with 4-fluoroisobutyrylfentanyl
V05 Sabrina Lehmann, Alissa Sczyslo, Judith Froch-Cortis, Markus A. Rothschild, Mario Thevis, Hilke Andresen-Streichert, Katja Mercer-Chalmers-Bender, Köln, Basel (Schweiz)
Organ distribution of diclazepam, pyrazolam and 3-fluorophenmetrazin
V06 Sabrina Lehmann, Andreas Tomas, Karl-Heinz Schiwy-Bochat, Hans Geyer, Mario Thevis, Frank Glenewinkel, Markus A. Rothschild, Hilke Andresen-Streichert, Martin Juebner, Köln
Death after misuse of anabolic substances (clenbuterol, stanozolol and metandienone)
V07 Vanessa Hofmann, Aysche Landmann, Georg Schmitt, Marc Bartel, Heidelberg,
Analytical separation of 5- and 6-APB and their distribution in the human body
V08 Lea Wagmann, Sascha K. Manier, Hans H. Maurer, Markus R. Meyer, Homburg (Saar)
Polytoxicomania involving four synthetic cathinones: a case report and subsequent toxicokinetic studies
V09 Gertrud Rochholz, Saskia Jung, Magdalena Eckner, Kiel
Nicotine used as a date rape drug
11:00 Uhr Kaffeepause / Coffee break
11:30 Uhr Vorträge: Neues aus der Kriminaltechnik / Oral presentations: News from forensic science
V10 Svenja Fischmann, Volker Westphal, Kiel
The EU-project ADEBAR for substance identification, analytical data provision and reference material
V11 Jan Schäper, München
Illicit production of herbal blends and actual trends on the NPS-market
V12 Sonja Metternich, Siegfried Zörntlein, Torsten Schönberger, Carolin Huhn, Mainz
Ion mobility spectrometry as a fast screening tool for synthetic cannabinoids to uncover drug trafficking in jail via herbal mixtures, papers, food and cosmetics
V13 Fabian Stahlkopf, Voker Westphal, Kiel
Quantitative estimation of cocaine and amphetamine in seized mixtures using Raman spectroscopy
V14 Marianne Hädener, Tim J. Gelmi, Marie Martin-Fabritius, Wolfgang Weinmann, Matthias Pfäffli, Bern (Schweiz)
Cannabinoid concentrations in confiscated cannabis samples and in whole blood and urine after smoking CBD-rich cannabis as a "tabacco" substitute
12:30 Uhr Mittagspause / Lunch break
13:15 Uhr Posterausstellung mit Kaffeetheke / Poster session and coffee bar
P01 Michaela Sommer, Sebastian Halter, Verena Angerer, Volker Auwärter, Maren Hermanns-Clausen, Freiburg, St. Gallen (Schweiz)
Impact of the NpSG on the number of hospitalisations due to NPS use
P02 Aurore Wicht, Volker Auwärter, Jürgen Kempf, Freiburg
Identification and quantitative determination of active ingredients in drug exhibits by LC-MSn
P03 Imke Stamme, Nathalie Martin, Carolin Huhn, Michael Pütz, Tübingen, Wiesbaden
Application of CE-DAD for the identification of food colorants in illicit drugs with complex matrices
P04 Bianca Schaffrath, Folker Westphal, Kiel
Establishment of a new GC-FID method for the quantitative determination of cathinone-type designer drugs using cross-calibration calculations
P05 Marc Luginbühl, Wolfgang Weinmann, Ali Al-Ahmad, Bern (Schweiz), Freiburg
Introduction of sample tubes with sodium azide as a preservative for ethyl glucuronide in urine
P06 Merja A. Neukamm, Arsham Bahrami, Volker Auwärter, Felix M. P. Mehne, Eva Höss, Freiburg, Penzberg
Forensic abstinence control with KIMS immunoassays for drugs of abuse and ethyl glucuronide in urine on a cobas c 501 analyzer
P07 Marie Martin Fabritius, Helene Urbain, Rolf Aderjan, Wolfgang Weinmann, Bern (Schweiz), Lörrach, Neckarsteinach
Detection of driving under the influence of cannabis or cocaine using P.I.A. lateral flow tests in plasma confirmed with LC-MS/MS or GC-MS
P08 Alexandra Maas, Christoph Maier, Beate Michel-Lauter, Burkhard Madea, Cornelius Hess, Bonn, Bochum
1,2-Dimethylimidazole-4-sulfonyl chloride (DMISC), a novel derivatization strategy for the analysis of propofol by LC-ESI-MS/MS
P09 Marek Dziadosz, Michael Klintschar, Jörg Teske, Hannover
The analysis of THC and its metabolites in human serum with LC-MS/MS on the basis of protein precipitation
P10 Michael Pötzsch, Roger Odermatt, Andreas T. Roemmelt, Andrea E. Steuer, Thomas Kraemer, Zürich (Schweiz)
Quantitation of cannabinoids in whole blood after protein precipitation – Online solid-phase extraction LC-ESI-MS/MS versus LC-APCI-MS/MS
P11 Shahana Wahab Huq, Sean Orlowicz, Guido Rimmel, Joseph Sullivan, Torrance (Kalifornien, USA), Aschaffenburg, San Jose (Kalifornien, USA)
Automated drugs of abuse analysis from oral fluid
P12 Wolfgang Dreiseitel, Rebecca Prasse, Wiesbaden, Aalen
Quantification and distribution of NBOMes on blotter sheets
P13 Alexandra Maas, Konrad Sydow, Burkhard Madea, Cornelius Hess, Bonn
Separation of ortho, meta and para isomers of methylmethcathinone (MMC) and methylethcathinone (MEC) using LC-ESI-MS/MS: Application to forensic serum samples
P14 Torsten Dame, Helena Fels, Hans Sachs, Frank Musshoff, München
LC-QTOF-MS peak pattern analysis to detect excessive consumption of nutmeg
P15 Előd Hidvégi, Klaudia Kemenes, Adrienn Dobos, Gábor P. Somogyi, Budapest (Hungary)
5F-MDMB-PICA as a marker of synthetic cannabinoid abuse: the use of methylation and GC/MS-analysis of the urine extracts of abusers
P16 Helena Fels, Torsten Dame, Hans Sachs, Frank Musshoff, München
Development and application of a qualitative LC-QTOF-MS screening method for the detection of bath salts in body fluids and hair samples
P17 Katharina Grafinger, Lars Ambach, Florian Franz, Verena Angerer, Wolfgang Weinmann, Bern (Schweiz), Ghent (Belgien), Freiburg
Update of an MS/MS library of NPS for QTRAP® instruments
P18 Jürgen Kempf, Nadine Schiesel, Laura M. Huppertz, Rafaela Martin, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg, Bremen
Quantitation of 99 synthetic cannabinoids in serum by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry
P19 Gerard Haak, Ruth Verplaetse, Jack Henion, Nina Meszaros, Emmen (Niederlande), Ithaca (New York, USA), Sprockhövel
Monitoring opioid use for pain management using a fully automated DBS-SPE-LC/MS/MS approach
P20 Maurice Wilde, Verena Angerer, Bjoern Moosmann, Volker Auwaerter, Freiburg, St. Gallen (Schweiz)
Designer opioids – A new threat hitting the German drug market
P21 Franziska Gaunitz, Sabrina Lehmann, Mario Thevis, Markus A. Rothschild, Katja Mercer-Chalmers-Bender
Fatal fall from a skyscraper following abuse of amphetamines, THC and the synthetic cannabinoid MDMB-CHMICA
P22 Susanne Vogt, Christina Grumann, Annette Thierauf-Emberger, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg
Death by MDPHP
P23 Michael Krämer, Burkhard Madea, Cornelius Hess, Bonn
Postmortem redistribution of antipsychotic and antidepressive drugs
P24 Alexander Müller, Stefanie Iwersen-Bergmann, Jan Sperhake, Hamburg
Analysis of the purple urine bag
P25 Marianne Knuth, Oliver Temme, Thomas Daldrup, Evelyn Pawlik, Düsseldorf
Analysis of cocaine adulterants in human brain of cases of drug-related death
P26 Marcel Grapp, Christian Vidal, Dieter Müller, Göttingen, Hannover
A case of acute intoxication with the designer drug α-pyrrolidinovalerophenone and its identification in human urine and blood by GC-MS
P27 Christina Grumann, Susanne Vogt, Laura M. Huppertz, Bjoern Moosmann, Florian Franz, Verena Angerer, Lena Kramer, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg
A case of methoxphenidine intoxication
P28 Helena Fels, Frank Musshoff, Gabriele Roider, Matthias Graw, Stefanie Lottner-Nau, München
Eight fatalities involving the synthetic opioid U-47700
P29 Marcel Grapp, Christoph Kaufmann, Martin Ebbecke, Göttingen
Intoxications related to the designer drug 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) in the South of Lower Saxony: Detection, quantification and studies on human metabolism by GC-MS
P30 Nadine Strehmel, Elke Vejmelka, Kerstin Kastner, Sonja Roscher, Michael Tsokos, Stefan Scholtis, Berlin
NPS-findings in forensic toxicology – three case reports
P31 Sabrina Lehmann, Franziska Gaunitz, Martin Jübner, Mario Thevis, Markus A. Rothschild, Katja Mercer-Chalmers-Bender, Köln
Prevalence of new psychoactive substances (NPS) at a popular annual festival in Cologne, Germany
P32 Sebastian Halter, Lukas Mogler, Verena Angerer, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg
The ‘NpSG’ (act to control the distribution of new psychoactive substances) – an effective weapon in the war on drugs?
P33 Lukas Mogler, Florian Franz, Verena Angerer, Bjoern Moosmann, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg
Phase I metabolism of the carbazole derivatives EG-018 and MDMB-CHMCZCA – A new class of synthetic cannabinoids circumventing the 'NpSG'
P34 Maurice Wilde, Verena Angerer, Bjoern Moosmann, Volker Auwaerter, Freiburg, St. Gallen (Schweiz)
Phase I in vitro and in vivo metabolism of the designer opioid furanylfentanyl
P35 Hilke Andresen-Streichert, Yannik Beres, Stefanie Iwersen-Bergmann, Alexandra Schröck, Wolfgang Weinmann, Gisela Skopp, Martina Sterneck, Alexander Müller, Köln, Hamburg, Bern (Schweiz), Heidelberg
The use of phosphatidylethanol (PEth) improved detection of alcohol consumption in pre- and post-liver transplantation patients
P36 David Kühne, Michael Böttcher, Dessau
Compliance testing of patients in ADHD treatment with Lisdexamfetamine using oral fluid samples
P37 Kerstin Henkel, Miriam Klima, Markus J. Altenburger, Miriam C. Kuales, Volker Auwärter, Merja A. Neukamm, Freiburg
Retention of illicit drugs in dental plaque - a model study regarding plaque as alternative matrix in forensic toxicology
P38 Lina Gessner, Ursula Telgheder, Markus A. Rothschild, Katja Mercer-Chalmers-Bender, Martin Juebner, Köln, Essen
Evaluation of a simple quantification method for THC-COOH in dried blood spots
P39 Georg Schmitt, Gisela Skopp, Michael Herbold, Heidelberg, Walldorf
20 Years proficiency testing GTFCh
P40 Verena Angerer, Lukas Mogler, Jan-Patrick Steitz, Philippe Bisel, Cornelius Hess, Clara T. Schoeder, Christa E. Müller, Laura M. Huppertz, Folker Westphal, Jan Schäper, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg, Bonn, Kiel, München
Characterization of the new synthetic cannabinoid ‘Cumyl-PEGACLONE’ including first pharmacological data
Kaffeepause / Coffee break
14:15 Uhr Vorträge: Toxikokinetik / Oral presentations: Toxicokinetics
V15 Nadine Schäfer, Daniel Moj, Thorsten Lehr, Andreas H. Ewald, Peter H. Schmidt, Frank Ramsthaler, Homburg/Saar, Saarbrücken
Pharmacokinetic modelling in a fatality following high morphine doses in palliative care
V16 Sascha K. Manier, Jan Schäper, Hans H. Maurer, Markus R. Meyer, Homburg/Saar, München
Studies on the in vitro metabolism of α-cathinones using pooled human liver microsomes and recombinant human CYP enzymes
V17 Lilian H. J. Richter, Veit Flockerzi, Hans H. Maurer, Markus R. Meyer, Homburg/Saar
New psychoactive substances: Comparison of metabolites found in human liver preparations, human cell lines, and human urine - Exemplified for methylenedioxy derivatives and bioisosteric analogues
V18 Anna Geraths, Werner Pogoda, Eef L. Theunissen, Jan G. Ramaekers, Stefan W. Toennes, Frankfurt/Main, Maastricht (Niederlande)
Pharmacokinetics of JWH-018 and its metabolites in serum
V19 Lea Wagmann, Tobias Kehl, Simon D. Brandt, Hans H. Maurer, Markus R. Meyer, Homburg/Saar, Liverpool (Großbritannien)
New psychoactive substances: In vitro metabolism of four LSD derivatives studied by means of LC-HR-MS/MS
V20 Lukas Mogler, Florian Franz, Verena Angerer, Georg Weinfurtner, Daniel Rentsch, Bjoern Moosmann, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg, Regensburg, Rostock
Detection of the novel synthetic cannabinoid 5F-MDMB-PICA in human urine samples
V21 Achim T. Caspar, Jonas Gaab, Julian A. Michely, Simon D. Brandt, Markus R. Meyer, Hans H. Maurer, Homburg/Saar, Liverpool (Großbritannien)
Metabolism and detectability of the new psychoactive substances 5-MeO-2-Me-DALT, 5-MeO-2-Me-ALCHT, and 5-MeO-2-Me-DIPT studied by GC-MS, LC-MSn, and LC-HR-MS/MS
15:45 Uhr Mitgliederversammlung / Business meeting
17:30 Uhr Ende der Mitgliederversammlung / End of the business meeting
19:00 Uhr Festabend mit Verleihung des Jean-Servais-Stas-Preises und des Nachwuchspreises für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler / Congress ceremony and dinner – Presentation of the 2015 laureate of the Jean-Servais-Stas award and of the winner of the GTFCh Young Scientists award
Festvortrag / Lecture
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans H. Maurer (Homburg/Saar)
20 Mal Mosbach
23:00 Uhr After Dinner Party (Hopfenkeller der Alten Mälzerei)
Samstag, 13. April 2019
9:00 Uhr Vorträge: Hochauflösende Massenspektrometrie / Fallberichte / Freie Themen aus der Forensischen und toxikologischen Chemie / Oral presentations: High resolution mass spectrometry / Case reports / Communications in forensic chemistry and toxicology
V22 Madeleine Pettersson Bergstrand, Markus R. Meyer, Olof Beck, Anders Helander, Stockholm (Schweden), Homburg/Saar
Human metabolic patterns of the designer benzodiazepines flubromazolam and pyrazolam studied by liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry
V23 Julia Dinger, Daniela Remane, Sylvia Morgenthal, Matthias Eppler, Gita Mall, Frank T. Peters, Jena
Three fatal intoxications involving the synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist 5-F-ADB
V24 Sabrina Lehmann, Bastian Schulze, Thomas Kamphausen, Mario Thevis, Markus A. Rothschild, Katja Mercer-Chalmers-Bender, Köln
Organ distribution of 4-MEC, MDPV, methoxetamine and α-PVP: comparison of QuEChERS and SPE
V25 Sandra N. Staeheli, Martina I. Boxler, Andrea Oestreich, Michelle Marti, Dominic Gascho, Stephan Bolliger, Thomas Kraemer, Andrea E. Steuer, Zürich (Schweiz)
Postmortem distribution and redistribution of new psychoactive substances in blood and alternative matrices – a case report involving MDAI and 2-MAPB
V26 Konrad Sydow, Christopher Wiedfeld, Burkhard Madea, Frank Mußhoff, Bernd Stratmann, Cornelius Heß, Bonn, München, Bad Oeynhausen
Evaluation of a diabetic coma post mortem by analysis of 1,5-anhydroglucitol in urine
V27 Patrick Dahm, Katharina Janßen, Markus A. Rothschild, Katja Mercer-Chalmers-Bender, Köln
Fatal collapse during sex party involving amphetamines, poppers and other drugs
V28 Martin Jübner, Sabrina Lehmann, Justus Beike, Markus A. Rothschild, Katja Mercer-Chalmers-Bender, Köln
Pericardial fluid – appropriate alternative material for postmortal immunological screening analysis?
V29 Marco Elmiger, Michael Poetzsch, Andrea E. Steuer, Thomas Kraemer, Zürich (Schweiz)
General unknown screening – Peak extraction and hit optimization using a design of experiment approach
V30 Andrea E. Steuer, Kim Arnold, Tom Schneider, Michael Poetzsch, Thomas Kraemer, Zürich (Schweiz)
A new metabolomics-based strategy for identification of endogenous markers of urine adulteration
10:40 Uhr Kaffee-Pause / Coffee break
11:10 Uhr Vorträge: Freie Themen aus der Forensischen Chemie und Toxikologie / Oral presentations: Communications in forensic chemistry and toxicology
V31 Saskia Penzel, Jessica Welter-Luedeke, Anna Zangl, Katrin Groß, Inge Herrle, Claudia Gutjahr-Ruhland, Matthias Graw, Liane D. Paul, München
A case series of α-pyrrolidinopentiothiophenone (α-PVT), a new psychoactive substance
V32 Florian Veit, Daniel Rentsch, Sonja Remacle, Freidoon Erdmann, Jost Beelitz, Walter Martz, Gießen, Rostock, Marburg
Determination of cyanide in porcine blood after experimental inhalation of combustion gases
V33 Julian A. Michely, Hans H. Maurer, Homburg/Saar
Assessing the severity of acute poisonings – Is a multi-analyte one-point calibration LC-MS/MS approach accurate enough for estimation of drug levels?
V34 Oliver Lerch, Justus Beike, Hilke Andresen-Streichert, Tobias Kieliba, Münster, Köln
Automated GC-MS/MS determination of cannabinoids in hair with focus on THC-COOH and THC-OH
V35 Marianne Hädener, Stefan König, Marie Martin Fabritius, Wolfgang Weinmann, Bern (Schweiz)
Using THC-COOH cut-off concentrations for assessing cannabis consumption frequency: a recently detected THC-COOH isomer poses an important analytical problem
V36 Frank T. Peters, Daniela Remane, Gita Mall, Jena
Determination of ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulfate in serum as a complement to congener analysis in cases of hip-flask defense?
V37 Reinhild Beyreiß, Stefanie Schröfel, Karsten Stemmerich, Torsten Arndt, Ingelheim
CEDIA Sample Check does not detect boric acid adulteration of ethyl glucuronide urines
V38 Lena-Maria Mehling, Thomas Piper, Susanne Lott, Josef Dib, Daniel Sejer Pedersen, Eva Sauer, Anna Heidbreder, Peter Young, Sys Stybe Johansen, Xin Wang, Annika Spottke, Burkhard Madea, Cornelius Courts, Mario Thevis, Cornelius Heß, Bonn, Köln, Kopenhagen (Dänemark), Kiel, Münster
Several possible toxicological and genetic tools for the extension of the detection window after GHB intake
12:50 Uhr Schlusswort zum Symposium / Closing words
13:00 Uhr Tagungsende / End of the meeting
ACQ Science
Agilent Technologies
Axel Semrau
Biotage AB
Bruker Daltonik
Chromsystems Instruments & Chemicals
LECO Instrumente
LGC Standards
MAVAND Solutions
nal von minden
Phenomenex LTD
Roche Diagnostics
Shimadzu Europa
Specialty Diagnostix
Thermo Fisher Scientific