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Analytica Conference 10.04.2024 in München

 GTFCh  (Chair:  Dirk K. Wissenbach, Jena)

Das Symposium der GTFCh auf der Analytica Conference findet am 10.04.2024 statt. 


Geplantes Programm (Download pdf)

Dried Matrix Spots: Sampling Techniques and Application for Forensic and Clinical Toxicology

09:30 Laura Mercolini, University of Bologna, Bologna Overview on Evolving Trends in DMS Microsampling Technologies
10:00 Gisela Skopp, FTC München GmbH, Munich DMS for Detection of Ethanol Markers such as PEth, EtG,
and EtS
10:30 Lea Wagmann, Saarland University, Homburg Closing the Gap: Dried Matrix Samples for Drug Screening
11:00 Tom Schneider University of Zurich, Zurich Time since Deposition: Utilizing DMS to Study Aging
Patterns in the Proteomes and Metabolomes of Biofluids

11:30 Lunch Break

News on (Phyto-)Cannabinoids

12:30 Rudolf Brenneisen, medCanSult, Bern Phytocannabinoids: Chemistry, Analysis and Pharmacology 
13:00 Rainer Fritsch, Gerneral Customs Directorate, Munich Analysis and Assessment of THC, CBD ad HHC Phytocannabinoid
Containing Products
13:30 Marica Hundertmark, University Mainz, Mainz Potential Pytocannabinoid and Terpene Markers for Distinguishing
Between the Use of Cannabis-based Medicines and Recreational
Use of Cannabis
14:00 Volker Auwärter, University of Freiburg, Freiburg Semisynthetic cannabinoids: Analytical Detection and
Pharmacological Effects

14:30 Coffee Break

Exceptional and Emerging Compounds in Forensic and Clinical Toxicology

15:00 Ricarda Kegler, University Rostock, Rostock Toxicological Analysis of Cyanide in Human Whole Blood
15:30 Gabriela Zurek, MVZ Medizinisches Labor Bremen GmbH, Bremen Analysis of Super-warfarine Rodenticides in a Routine Medical Lab
a Story of Cows, Humans & Rats
16:00 Kristof Maudens, Netherlands Forensic Institute, The Hague Suicides by Sodium Azide Ingestion: Analytical Aspects and
16:30 Simon Elliot Elliott Forensic Consulting // Toxicology UK Ltd, Birmingham Analytical and Interpretative Challenges for Emerging Nitrogen
based Poisons