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Tagungsband zum XVII. GTFCh–Symposium, 14.-16.04.2011 in Mosbach


Neue Missbrauchsdrogen – von der Strukturaufklärung bis zur Toxikologie

New Drugs of Abuse – From Structural Characterization to Toxicology

Toxichem Krimtech
Jahrgang 35 · Band 78 · Special Issue · Seiten 165-446 (2011)

ISBN 978-3-00-035450-2



Vorträge / Lectures

Designer drugs / Research chemicals / Legal Highs – A survey of recent seizures and an attempt to a more effective handling from a Swiss perspective
Michael Bovens, Markus Schläpfer
Assessment of supposedly legal designer drugs and “legal highs” according to the Medicinal Products Act (AMG)
Jan Schäper, Simone Thiemt, Marc Wende
Differenzierung regioisomerer N-alkylierter Fluorcathinone durch Tochterionenspektroskopie
mittels CI-GC-MS/MS

Folker Westphal, Peter Rösner, Thomas Junge
Smoke analysis of adulterated illicit drug preparations
Evelyn Pawlik, Hellmut Mahler
Metabolism of the new drug of abuse 3-fluoromethcathinone (3-FMC) in human and rat urine and toxicological analysis of 3-FMC, methedrone, and MDPV in human plasma and urine using GC-MS and LC-HR-MS techniques
Markus R. Meyer, Christian Vollmar, Ehud (Udi) Wolf, Andrea E. Schwaninger, Hans H. Maurer
Metabolism and toxicological detection of the fentanyl-derived designer drugs isofentanyl and 3-methylfentanyl using LC-linear ion trap-MS
Andrea E. Schwaninger, Julia Dinger, Dirk K. Wissenbach, Markus R. Meyer, Giselher Fritschi, Hans H. Maurer
Determination of ‘Spice’ cannabinoids in serum and hair by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Merja A. Neukamm, Hans Sachs, Thomas E. Mürdter, Susanna Fehn, Thomas Pöhlmann-Moore, Heinz-Dieter Wehner, Cornelius Knabbe, Dieter Ratge
Development of a systematic toxicological screening method using an automated online-SPE-LC-QqTOF system (XLC-QqTOF)
Christoph Köhler, Thomas Grobosch, Torsten Binscheck, Peter Surmann
Development of a metabolite-based LC-MSn screening procedure for detection of drugs of abuse and their metabolites in urine
Dirk K. Wissenbach, Markus R. Meyer, Daniela Remane, Armin A. Weber, Hans H. Maurer
Semi-quantitative determination of concentrations in systematic toxicological analysis by LC-QTOF-MS
Sebastian Broecker, Fritz Pragst, Gregor Kopf, Max Koch, Sina Wuttig, Sieglinde Herre
Modified multi target screening (MTS) with QTrap 3200 and methanol as eluent with
Luna PFP column

Wolfgang Weinmann, Stefan König, Stefan Lanz, Melanie Hutter, Sebastian Dresen,
Christoph Köhler, Thomas Grobosch
Ein künstliches Aminosäurederivat in einem Fall einer Beibringung in einem Getränk? – Ein analytisch interessantes und überraschendes Ergebnis einer Substanzaufklärung
Folker Westphal, Thomas Junge, Ulrich Girreser
Automated quantification of doxylamine and diphenhydramine in human plasma using on-line extraction-HPLC-DAD (TOX.I.S.)
Ludmila Mut, Thomas Grobosch, Torsten Binscheck, Wolfgang Frenzel
Systematic toxicological analysis revealing a rare case of captan ingestion
Anne-Kathrin Gottzein, Frank Musshoff, Christian Schyma, Burkhard Madea
Comparison of drug analysis in whole blood and dried blood spots
Ricarda Jantos, Gisela Skopp
Immunological detection of ricin and Castor seeds in beverages, food and consumer products
Martin Weber, Holger Schulz
Studies on the metabolism and toxicological detection of glaucine, an aporphin alkaloid from Glaucium flavum (Papaveraceae), in rat urine using GC-MS and LC-MSn
Golo M.J. Meyer, Markus R. Meyer, Dirk K. Wissenbach, Hans H. Maurer
Automation of solid-phase extraction in forensic toxicology
Thomas Stimpf
Fully validated liquid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric procedure for identification and quantification of antidepressants and benzodiazepines in human blood plasma
Daniela Remane, Markus R. Meyer, Dirk K. Wissenbach, Hans H. Maurer
Ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulfate for detection of alcohol abuse in drunken drivers
Wolfgang Weinmann, Ana Hernandez, Stefan König, Jessica Spinner, Annette Thierauf

Posterbeiträge / Posters

Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) in Finland
Pirkko Kriikku, Lars Wilhelm, Olaf Schwarz, Janne Rintatalo, Ilkka Ojanperä, Erkki Vuori, Jukka Hurme, Jan Kramer
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of synthetic cannabinoids in smoking mixtures of the “Spice” type using LC-MS/MS
Marc Wende, Jan Schäper
Phenazepam - a new drug of abuse in Finland – findings from apprehended drivers
Lars Wilhelm, Stefan Jenckel, Pirkko Kriikku, Janne Rintatalo, Jukka Hurme, Jan Kramer
Identification of 4-methylamphetamine in a seized amphetamine mixture
Folker Westphal, Thomas Schäfer, Lothar Zechlin, Stefanie Stoll
Regioselective synthesis of THCA-A and THCA-B by reaction of ?9-THC with magnesium methyl carbonate (MMC)
Nadine Roth, Ariane Wohlfarth, Volker Auwärter
Cation-exchange liquid chromatography: a convenient and “eco-friendly” alternative  method for quantitative determination of herbal and fungal alkaloids
Tim Laussmann, Sigrid Meier-Giebing, Martina Woiwod
Online extraction LC-MSn method for the detection of drugs in urine, serum and heparinized plasma
Daniel M. Mueller, Katharina M. Rentsch
MSforID: a robust and transferable tandem mass spectral library
Herbert Oberacher
Quantification of 11-nor-9-carboxy-?9-tetrahydrocannabinol (CTHC) equivalents in urine using instrumentally read Gold-labeled lateral flow immunoassays (IRGLFIA) in order to predict THC in serum ? 1 ng/mL
Jörg Haisser, Bernd Tiemann, Christoph Protzek, Michael Böttcher, Rolf Aderjan
Comparison of some field tests for illicit drug and drug trace detection in the service of the Swiss Customs and Swiss Border Guard
Werner Bernhard, Beat Dällenbach, Lars Ambach, Wolfgang Weinmann
Determination of drugs in brain samples using disposal pipette extraction
Verena Poetsch, Kurt Jiran, Karin Simon, Thomas Stimpfl
Death following accidental intravenous infusion of an aluminium irrigation solution
Gabriele Roider, Gustav Drasch, Matthias Graw
Fatal overdose with sustained-release verapamil and opipramol: a case report
Elke Below, Britta Bockholdt, Ulrich Hoffmann
Suizid mit Fluvastatin bei depressiver Symptomatik
Detlef Haase, Sybille Fuhrmann, Markus Stuppe, Lutz Briedigkeit
Ethyl glucuronide in hair and urine – examinations on actual cut-off values
Maria Elena Albermann, Frank Musshoff, Burkhard Madea
Positive diagnostic findings of ethyl glucuronide in urine compared to hair samples in the context of a driving ability examination
Josef Ippisch, Susanne Gradl, Rainer Hampel, Hans-Wolfgang Schultis
1,5-Anhydroglucitol – a new marker for ante-mortem hyperglycaemia?
Cornelius Hess, Frank Musshoff, Burkhard Madea
The methylecgonine to cocaine ratio in blood samples and the effectiveness of
preservation with 0.4 % sodium fluoride

Klaas Lusthof, Ingrid Bosman
Stabilität von ?9-THC, 11-OH-THC und THC-COOH in tiefgekühlten forensischen Serumproben
Annette Rickert, Tim Gorn, Thomas Daldrup
Evaluation of sources of low and high creatinine concentrations in drug-screening urine samples
Harald Ertl, Jürgen Hartleb
On buprenorphine findings in hair
Gisela Skopp, Anja Kniest, Joerg Haisser, Karl Mann, Derik Hermann
Opiate-addiction of the parents as a potential high risk factor for child maltreatment
K. Boomgaarden-Brandes, N. Tobias, M. Thoben, K. Weise, S. Bertram, B. Mühlbauer
Swiss Guidelines 2011 for drugs of abuse testing
Swiss Guidelines Committee for Drugs of Abuse Testing (SCDAT); Rudolf Brenneisen, Ingeborg Bertschi, Thomas Briellmann, Katharina Rentsch, André Deom, Hans Küffer, André Scholer, Pierre-Alain Binz
Valistat - software for method validation in forensic toxicology
Georg Schmitt, Michael Herbold, Frank T. Peters
Georg DRAGENDORFF (1836 Rostock – 1898 ebenda) - Über die Korrespondenzen zur geplanten Berufung an die Berliner Universität im März 1895 (Ein Beitrag zum 175. Geburtstag von Georg Dragendorff)
Detlef Tiess


Laudatio zur Verleihung der Ehrenmitgliedschaft für Herrn Prof. Dr. Ludwig von Meyer
Ulrich Demme
Robert Wennig – STAS-Preisträger 2011
Thomas Daldrup


Satellitensymposium zum XVII. GTFCh-Symposium
Alkoholentzugs- und Alkoholentwöhnungstherapie: Klinik, Psychotherapie, 
 Labordiagnostik, Alkohol und Drogen am Arbeitsplatz, Sorgerecht

Biomarker des Alkoholkonsums – eine Übersicht
Torsten Arndt
Alkohol-Interlocks: Ein Beitrag zur Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr
Johannes Lagois
Autorenverzeichnis 437
Sachwortverzeichnis 439